- Outlook RecreationRecreation & Community Development
- Jim Kook Recreation ComplexThe Jim Kook Rec Plex is a modern multi-purpose arena with an attached four sheet curling rink facility. There is also a 4 Lane Bowling Alley complete with computerized scoring, shoe rentals and Glow Bowling.
- Van Raay & Community Swimming PoolThe Swimming Pool is a great place to have a splash and cool off from a hot Summer's day, so come on down!
- Recreational Summer ProgramsKinsmen Park Summer Program, Explore & Excel Summer Program
- Outlook & District Regional ParkThe Regional Park's campground is very well treed and offers various recreational opportunities, including golfing!
- Riverview Golf CourseOutlook is fortunate enough to have some beautiful views of the river, but what makes Outlook even more fortunate is to have a beautiful golf course with breath-taking views on the river banks of the South Saskatchewan River.
- Sask Lotteries GrantCommunity grant for non profits involved in recreation in town.
- Trans Canada TrailTrans Canada Trail
- Sky TrailThe contract for C.P.R. railroad bridge was let January 24th, 1910 to J.D. McArthur and Company. After the Provincial Government decided not to build an attached traffic bridge, the work began. The C.P.R. then decided to re-machine the steel from the old