Bylaws & Enforcement
Town of Outlook Complaint Form
Town of Outlook Frequently Requested Bylaws
Bylaw 02(2022) The Anti-Bullying and Harassment Bylaw
Bylaw No. 06(2023) General Penalties Bylaw
Cemetery Operations
Taxation & Assessment
Commerical - Industrial Development Incentive Application
Commercial - Industrial Storefront Enhancement Grant Application
Bylaw No. 09(2022) A Bylaw to Establish a Fee to Appeal Assessments
Bylaw No. 05(2022) A Bylaw to Establish Tax Incentives and Penalties
Bylaw No. 02(2014) A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw 12(1996) known as the Mobile Home Licensing Bylaw
Bylaw No. 22(2022) A Bylaw to Establish a Joint Board of Revision with the R.M. of Rudy
Bylaw No. 07(2006) Dispense with the Mailing of Assessment Notices
Bylaw No. 13(1999) A Bylaw to Provide Home Based Businesses Assessment
Business Licensing
Bylaw No. 11(2021) A Bylaw for the Licensing, Regulation of Direct Sellers and Businesses
Business License Application Form
Utilities, Garbage, Recycling, Landfill
Bylaw No. 11(2022) Installation of Sump Pit and Surface Discharge System
Bylaw No. 01(2014) A Grease Interceptor Bylaw
Bylaw No. 05(1986) A Bylaw to Extend the Permitted Use of Plastic Plumbing Materials
Bylaw No. 04(2013) The Private Sewer and Water Service Connection Bylaw
Bylaw No. 01(1979) A Bylaw to Control the Protection of Water Supplies from Chemical Residue
Bylaw No. 16(1997) A Bylaw to Control the Disposal of Scrap Tires & Bylaw 03(1998) An Amendment to Bylaw 16(1997)
Bylaw No. 17(2022) Provide for a Planning District Agreement with Waterwolf Planning District & Waterwolf Planning District Agreement
Bylaw No. 18(2022) A Bylaw to Adopt the Waterwolf District Official Community Plan
Bylaw No. 02(2013) A Bylaw to Adopt a a Waterwolf Growth Managment Plan
Fire & Protective Services
Bylaw No. 10(2022) A Bylaw for the Licensing, Regulating of Fire Pits
Bylaw No. 19(2022) A Bylaw to Establish an Emergency Management Organization
Bylaw No. 13(1983) Maintenance of Good Order & Bylaw No. 09(1987) - Amendment to Bylaw 13(1983)
Bylaw No. 26(2019) A Bylaw to Recover Protective Services Costs
Traffic & Obstructions
Bylaw No. 13 (2021) To Regulate Traffic within the Town Limits
Bylaw No. 01(2013) A Bylaw to Prohibit the Placement of Certain Obstructions of Municipal Streets, Lanes, or Thoroughfares
Bylaw No. 09(2007) A Bylaw to Alter a Street Name - Chow Crescent
Planning & Development
Bylaw No. 3(2003) A Bylaw Respecting Buildings
Bylaw No. 7(2005) A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw 3(2003) known as the Building Bylaw
Bylaw No. 5(2003) The Private Swimming Pools Bylaw
Bylaw No. 01(2017) A Bylaw to Provide for the Numbering of Houses and Other Buildings
Bylaw No. 01(1978) A Bylaw Pertaining to the Development and Sub - Division of Land within the Town
Animal Control & Pet Licensing
Bylaw No.04(2021) Dog & Cat Bylaw
Bylaw No. 11(68) Provide for the Protection, Care, Management and Control of Park Areas
Noise, Nuisance, and Trespassing
Bylaw No. 10(97) A Bylaw Respecting Noise
Bylaw No. 01(2006) A Bylaw to Provide for the Abatement of Nuisances
Council & Meetings & Administration
Bylaw No. 01(2024) Council Procedures Bylaw
Bylaw No. 26(2020) Code of Ethics Bylaw
Formal Complaint Form for Code Of Ethics Bylaw
Bylaw No. 21(2022) A Bylaw to Establish a Public Notice Policy
Bylaw No. 04(2018) A Bylaw for Public Disclosure Statements
Bylaw No. 25(2019) To Require a Criminal Record Check with Nomination Forms
Bylaw No. 13(2022) A Bylaw for the Distruction of Documents
Housing Agreements & Mobile Home & Heritage Site
Bylaw No. 07(1976) A Bylaw to Establish the Placement and Location of Mobile Homes
BylawNo. 05(2014) A Bylaw to Designate Municipal Heritage Property - Skytrail
Bylaw No. 12(2021) A Bylaw to Designate Municipal Heritage Property - Vetran's Memorial Park
Bylaw No. 17(1999) A Bylaw to Dedicate Land as a Municipal Reserve
Bylaw No. 13(2000) A Bylaw to Enter into an Agreement with the Outlook School Divison
Bylaw No. 03(1974) A Bylaw Authorizing the Town of Outlook to Enter into a Housing Agreement
Bylaw No. 11(1971) A Bylaw Authorizing the Town of Outlook to Enter into a Housing Agreement
Road Closure
Bylaw No. 02(2024) A Bylaw to Provide for teh Closing and Selling of a Municipal Road or Street
Bylaw No. 16(2022) A Bylaw To Provide the Closing and Selling of a Municipal Road or Street
Bylaw No. 02(2008) A Bylaw to Provide for the Permanent Closure and Sale of a Lane
Bylaw No. 03(2007) A Bylaw to Provide for the Closing of Municipal Streets and Lanes
Bylaw No. 20(2002) A Bylaw to Provide for the Closing of Municipal Streets and Lanes
Bylaw No. 02(1997) A Bylaw to Provide for the Permanent Closure of a Lane
Bylaw No. 02(1996) A Bylaw to Provide for the Permanent Closure of a Lane
Bylaw No. 05 (1990) A Bylaw to Provide for the Closing of a Certain Land in the Town of Outlook
Bylaw No. 04(1990) A Bylaw to Provide for the Closing of a Certain Land in the Town of Outlook
Bylaw No. 08(1987) A Bylaw to Provide for the Closing of a Certain Road in the Town of Outlook
Bylaw No. 12(1984) A Bylaw to Provide for the Closing of a Certain Street in the Town of Outlook
Bylaw No. 10(1983) A Bylaw to Provide for the Closing of a Certain Lane in the Town of Outlook
Bylaw No. 06(1980) A Bylaw to Provide for the Closing of Certain Streets in the Town of Outlook
Bylaw No. 03(1978) A Bylaw to Provide for the Closing of Certain Streets in the Town of Outlook
Bylaw No. 04(1977) A Bylaw to Provide for the Closing of Certain Lane in the Town of Outlook
Bylaw No. 01(1977) A Bylaw to Provide for the Closing of a Certain Lane in the Town of Outlook
Bylaw No. 07(1966) A Bylaw to Provide for the Closing of Certain Avenues in the Town
Bylaw No. 08(1965) A Bylaw to Provide for the Closing of Certain Avenues in the Town
Borrowing Bylaw
Bylaw No. 20(2022) A Bylaw to Provide Incurring a Debt
Bylaw No. 06(2022) A Bylaw to Provide Incurring a Debt
Bylaw No.05(2017) A Bylaw to Provide Incurring a Debt
Bylaw No. 12(2023) A Bylaw to Provide Incurring a Debt
For more Town of Outlook Bylaws please inquire at the Town Office located at 400 Saskatchewan Avenue W. or email us at